Adolfo Ochagavía

An experiment in async Rust

Have you come across the fancy async / await syntax of some programming languages? Not everyone has jumped onto the bandwagon1, but many popular languages out there support the feature (e.g. Python, Typescript, C#, and obviously Rust). How does it work under the hood, though? What kind of magic is your software doing when you await an asynchronous function? There’s lots to learn about the topic, so what would you say to enlightening ourselves through an unusual experiment?

The challenge

If you have ever used async / await, chances are your code needed to wait for something to happen: a timeout to elapse, a database operation to finish, or an HTTP GET request to complete. Here’s an example of what the latter case could look like in Rust:

let response = get("").await;

Today I want to try something different. I want to use async with ordinary functions, that is, functions that merely calculate something and do not actually need to wait for the network or a timer. What does async add there? I’ll keep that as a surprise for now, but I guarantee it will be a fun and educational experience!

An example program

Let’s leave async aside for a second and start with a simple Rust program. I’m a fan of number sequences, so we’ll write a program that calculates two of them:

Here it goes, it’s short and sweet:

fn main() {

fn print_fibonacci(amount: u64) {
    assert!(amount >= 2);
    println!("fib(0) = 0");
    println!("fib(1) = 1");

    let mut state = [0u64, 1];
    for i in 2..amount {
        let next = state[0] + state[1];
        state[0] = state[1];
        state[1] = next;
        println!("fib({i}) = {next}");

fn print_squares(amount: u64) {
    for i in 0..amount {
        println!("sqr({i}) = {}", i * i);

It works! Here’s the output:

fib(0) = 0
fib(1) = 1
fib(2) = 1
fib(3) = 2
fib(4) = 3
sqr(0) = 0
sqr(1) = 1
sqr(2) = 4
sqr(3) = 9
sqr(4) = 16

Before going forward, let me clarify that this is definitely not what you’d call a “real-world program”. However, it provides us with two independent functions, each one being a separate unit of work. That is something you are constantly dealing with in real-world programming, and is particularly interesting for our secret purposes with async. If you are an async veteran, you might already know where this is going…

Making our program concurrent

In the code above, the order of execution is sequential: first we execute the print_fibonacci function, then we execute print_squares. The resulting output therefore shows all fibonacci numbers first, and the square numbers afterwards.

What if we executed print_fibonacci and print_squares concurrently? Below is an example of what the output could look like. Do you see the difference? The sequence elements are now interleaved.

fib(0) = 0
sqr(0) = 0
fib(1) = 1
sqr(1) = 1
fib(2) = 1
sqr(2) = 4
fib(3) = 2
sqr(3) = 9
fib(4) = 3
sqr(4) = 16

What’s special about that, you might ask? Isn’t that simply a matter of starting two threads, as follows2?

fn main() {
    let t1 = std::thread::spawn(|| print_fibonacci(5));
    let t2 = std::thread::spawn(|| print_squares(5));

    // Join the threads, otherwise the program will exit before they are finished!

That’s a fair suggestion, and many people see threads as their “go-to” tool when they want concurrency. But… What if I we wanted to run these functions concurrently without spawning threads? Could async play a role there? You bet! This is actually my secret intention with this blog post: to achieve single-threaded concurrency through async.

Naive single-threaded concurrency

Before doing anything complicated with async, let’s cheat our way to concurrency. It turns out that the structure of print_fibonacci and print_squares is fairly similar, which means that we can manually merge them into a single function:

fn print_fibonacci_and_squares(amount: u64) {
    assert!(amount >= 2);
    println!("fib(0) = 0");
    println!("sqr(0) = 0");
    println!("fib(1) = 1");
    println!("sqr(1) = 1");

    let mut state = [0u64, 1];
    for i in 2..amount {
        // Fibonacci
        let next = state[0] + state[1];
        state[0] = state[1];
        state[1] = next;
        println!("fib({i}) = {next}");

        // Square
        println!("sqr({i}) = {}", i * i);

This eyesore of a function, in all its ugliness, is actually concurrent. Both computations (fibonacci and square) are now interleaved! However, manually merging functions this way won’t be that easy in most situations. And you can’t really expect programmers to go through a complicated manual process every time they need single-threaded concurrency, right?

Well, you’d be surprised about what people are willing to put up with3. But let’s not go there, because there is a Better Way.

Enter async

Our goal is to leave the original functions mostly unchanged, while being able to run them concurrently. Something like the following would be nice:

fn main() {

What if I told you that this is real, working Rust code? It’s definitely more elegant than the unholy merge of print_fibonacci_and_squares, don’t you think?

What did we do?

  1. We wrote async versions of both print_fibonacci and print_squares (now called print_fibonacci_async and print_squares_async, for clarity);
  2. We wrote an ordinary function called concurrent, which executes its arguments’ async code in an interleaved fashion. The output ends up being fib(0) = 0, sqr(0) = 0, fib(1) = 1, sqr(1) = 1, etc. Exactly what we wanted.

But —I hear you say— where’s the implementation of the new async functions? Did you sneakily hide the ugliness there?

Good that you ask! The changes required for print_fibonacci_async and print_squares_async are analogous, so we’ll focus on the latter for the sake of brevity:

async fn print_squares_async(amount: u64) {
    for i in 0..amount {
        println!("sqr({i}) = {}", i * i);

There are two minor changes compared to the original print_squares. First of all, the function is now async, but you already knew that. Secondly, we now call wait_until_next_poll() at the end of the loop body.

That’s all. Isn’t that neat?

So how does it work?

I still haven’t told you much about concurrent or wait_until_next_poll. However, let me give you a high-level overview of things first.

The original print_fibonacci and print_squares functions have a peculiarity we programmers are used to: when you call either function, the whole function body runs in one go. The print_fibonacci_async and print_squares_async functions are different, though. They can be executed in steps, instead of in one go. That’s pretty mind-blowing!

Let me explain in more detail. When you call an async function, such as print_squares_async, the function’s body doesn’t actually run. Instead, you get an object back, which you can use to drive the function’s execution step by step. Check out the following pseudo-Rust:

let mut obj = print_squares_async(5);
obj.partially_execute(); // Prints sqr(0) = 0
obj.partially_execute(); // Prints sqr(1) = 1
obj.partially_execute(); // Prints sqr(2) = 4
obj.partially_execute(); // Prints sqr(3) = 9
obj.partially_execute(); // Prints sqr(4) = 16
obj.partially_execute(); // Prints nothing (the function is done)

Now, if we want to run our async functions concurrently, we only need to interleave calls to partially_execute!

let mut fib_obj = print_fibonacci_async(5);
let mut sqr_obj = print_squares_async(5);
fib_obj.partially_execute(); // Prints fib(0) = 0
sqr_obj.partially_execute(); // Prints sqr(0) = 0
                             // etc...

Having seen that, you can probably guess how the concurrent function is defined. It’s essentially a loop that interleaves calls to partially_execute until fib_obj and sqr_obj are fully done!

Intermezzo: code candy

Feel free to skip this section if your code hunger is satisfied. Otherwise, here’s a piece of code showing what the Rust struct behind sqr_obj could look like. I have even included a main function at the end that evaluates sqr_obj by repeatedly calling partially_execute. You can copy the code and run it locally (or online), to see it in action:

/// Holds the state of `print_squares_async`
struct PartiallyExecutedPrintSquares {
    /// The current iteration of the function
    current_iteration: u64,
    /// The total amount of iterations, at which the function is done
    total_iterations: u64,

impl PartiallyExecutedPrintSquares {
    /// Create a new instance of this "function".
    /// Note: calling this has no side effects, it merely initializes some
    /// state.
    fn new(amount: u64) -> Self {
        Self {
            current_iteration: 0,
            total_iterations: amount,

    /// Execute one iteration of the function.
    /// If the function is done, this is signalled to the caller through
    /// `PartialExecutionOutcome::Done`. Otherwise, we return
    /// PartialExecutionOutcome::Pending to indicate `partially_execute`
    /// should be called at least once more.
    fn partially_execute(&mut self) -> PartialExecutionOutcome {
        if self.current_iteration == self.total_iterations {
            return PartialExecutionOutcome::Done;

        println!("{}", self.current_iteration * self.current_iteration);
        self.current_iteration += 1;

/// Used to tell the caller whether a function has been fully executed
enum PartialExecutionOutcome {

fn main() {
    let mut sqr_obj = PartiallyExecutedPrintSquares::new(5);
    while let PartialExecutionOutcome::Pending = sqr_obj.partially_execute() {
        // No need to do anything here, since evaluating the function already
        // prints to stdout as a side effect

Getting real

We are nearing the bottom of the rabbit hole. The pseudo-Rust function partially_execute was nice to get a conceptual understanding of async, but let’s start calling things by their real names. The object returned by an async function, which you can use to drive partial execution, is called a future and implements the Future trait. As you might know, its main method is not called partially_execute, but Future::poll.

With that out of our way, we can now address one last mystery: when you call sqr_obj.poll(), why does it run only one iteration of the function body’s for loop? Why not two iterations, or the whole loop in one go? Could it be that async automatically splits loops, so each iteration becomes a separate chunk of work? That’s a fair guess, but it’s inaccurate.

Recall the definition of print_squares_async:

async fn print_squares_async(amount: u64) {
    for i in 0..amount {
        println!("sqr({i}) = {}", i * i);

The secret sauce is in wait_until_next_poll().await. Every time a partial execution reaches this line, it will stop, only to continue in a later call to poll. Remove that line, and the first call to poll will cause the whole function to be executed in one go.

The last pieces of the puzzle

Where does the pause in partial execution come from, then? Does every usage of await trigger a pause? Not quite. An await point signals the place where an async function’s execution might pause, but it does not necessarily mean it will pause. It depends on what you are awaiting. If you are awaiting an asynchronous lock4 to be acquired, for instance, and the lock is unavailable, an async function will indeed pause at the await point. If the lock is available, however, it will be acquired and the function will continue executing after the await point.

As to print_squares_async, the calculation of the next number in the sequence does not in itself require waiting on anything (it’s just multiplication, after all). That’s why the whole function runs in one go, unless you add wait_until_next_poll().await. This additional line is meant to artificially trigger a pause, so when the async function reaches the wait_until_next_poll().await statement, it stops partial execution and only continues when poll is called again (hence the name, “wait until next poll”).

Note that print_fibonacci_async also uses wait_until_next_poll to trigger pauses. That means both of our functions pause after calculating a number in the sequence, giving the other function an opportunity to calculate their next number. Thus, we have achieved single-threaded concurrency with minimal changes to the original code.

Mission accomplished!

Bonus: homework questions

We have reached the end of this blog post (phew!) but there are a few questions you might want to research in addition:

  1. Notable examples are Go, Java and Elixir. They deal with the async problem through other mechanisms we don’t have time to dive into here. ↩︎

  2. Note that, in the multi-threaded case, you most likely won’t see interleaved output, because one thread will probably be done before the other one gets a chance to run. ↩︎

  3. In some corners of the embedded programming world, people are actually expected to make their code concurrent by hand. This tutorial, for instance, explains how to transform your logic from a sequential style into an async style, by manually creating finite state machines. If you are into embedded and are looking for an excuse to learn Rust, know that you can use async / await to let the compiler generate the state machine for you↩︎

  4. Note that async locks are not the same as the standard library’s locks. Tokio’s documentation for their Mutex type provides more detail on this. ↩︎